Cooking farm-to-table at home


I hope you all had a wonderful weekend full of great food- and just maybe you have off today extending those weekend vibes.

How was your Valentine’s Day? It would appear that I gave out all the filets so no filet mignon was had at our place. But, I made up for it with copious amounts of wine from Grape’s A Wine Store, big juicy ribeyes, crispy red potatoes, and roasted radishes.

It’s an eventful week taste-testing our first batch of hotdogs. At our house there is a hotly contested debate on the best hot dog condiments and this article isn’t helping any- 13 Creative Hot Dog Toppings to Spice Up Your Next BBQ

Bodhi has specifically requested beef stew so I’ll be whipping up a big pot of beef stew with carrots. I’ll also add some chayote from the vegetable CSA.

You might think I do all the cooking, but Bodhi makes the best roast chicken! What makes it so great? Crispy skin with herbs! Our pastured chickens feed us for DAYS so there's going to be lots of chicken on salad for lunch this week.

Friday is our version of Taco Tuesday. The ground beef from the last cow we did is super lean, which is great for tacos. Why buy a packet of taco seasoning when making your own is so easy. I use this Best Ever Taco Meat recipe, but I substitute the onion powder for a half cup of finely chopped onion. 

Over the weekend we headed up to Waimea and purchased a gorgeous Berkshire boar we’ve named Mauna. He’s going to be a great match for Clover our Duroc mama! All that talk about pork gives me cravings for bacon so we’re having loaded BLT’s sometime soon. Our homemade bacon goes great with thick slices of tomato, lettuce, on Papa'a Palaoa Bakery bread smeared with avocado and honey mustard. If there's leftover chicken I'll throw that on too!

Whole and half lambs are now available on the Sugar Hill Farmstead Farm Store. Think you might not have enough room in your freezer for a bulk lamb buy? I just posted a blog you’ll find helpful- How many pounds of meat will my freezer hold?

We're on Instagram, naturally, showing you the ins-and-outs of our day. Like and follow along :) And please get in touch if you have questions or need some recommendations on recipes!

Warmest Aloha,


Wild Alaskan Salmon Carbonara Recipe


Stay Home, Stay Healthy