Sugar Hill Farmstead

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Stay Home, Stay Healthy

A word from your farmers

The pandemic of COVID-19 has reached the shores of Hawaii, proving that bad things do happen in paradise. Some of the things that make Hawaii so special- the open-air markets, a hug and a kiss as a greeting even when meeting for the first time, and impromptu “talk story” sessions on the sidewalk- cease to exist as we're told to Stay Home, Stay Healthy. The very fabric of our life has been torn apart as we isolate, social distance, and stay inside.

As farmers, we are exempt from the stay home orders, so we are able to travel back and forth to the farm without issue. Thankfully, our CSA members are also able to come pick up as obtaining food is also an exempt activity. But, the Stay Home, Stay Healthy directive means no restaurants are open, only essential businesses are operating and many have altered their hours to keep their employees limited to exposure. We’re all hunkering down to ride this wave to wherever it leads.

Food security has become a topic of discussion for many of us. A few weeks ago Costco ran out of meat! While supply chains are still going, a mad dash to purchase as much as possible in the grocery stores put a spotlight on how we get our food- especially in Hawaii. Now the spotlight is on local farmers. We have lots of farmers that supplied restaurants and hotels that suddenly have an influx of product with no way of reaching consumers. This problem isn’t unique to Hawaii, it’s happening all over the globe. Some farmers markets have closed as well- while others have shifted to online ordering with drive-thru pickups.

In response, we’re adding more items to our members-only store like local veggies, macadamia nuts, fish, and more. We’re also making changes to the way we do pickups. This is a learning experience for all of us.

To all our friends far and wide, we pray you and your families get through this untouched by the novel coronavirus. To pass the time at home, please stop by our Instagram Stories- we'll be broadcasting inside the brooder each day so you can see as 50 chicks do their thing. 

We'll continue our work feeding our community healthy pasture-raised meats and local farm products. Please support your local farmers and stay healthy. We're going to come out of this stronger than ever.

Warmest Aloha,
Brittany and Bodhi