Sugar Hill Farmstead

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Smoked Salmon Pizza

Rollman Family smoked salmon with local vegetables, Kulina Lani Bakery sourdough par baked pizza crust, and creamy artichoke pesto make for a smoked salmon pizza you just can’t refuse. Because most of the ingredients are already cooked and dropped off at your door through our vegetable bag, this smoked salmon pizza recipe is quickly assembled and out of the oven in no time.

Smoked Salmon Pizza Recipe

1 pizza crust (made using Best Bread Recipe, instead of making loaf form pizza crust)

1 package of smoked salmon

1 cup diced eggplant

1 cup sliced pepper

2 cups coarsely chopped kale

1 jar (7.9oz) Artichoke Pesto

2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese

6 kalamata olives, halved


Preheat oven to 400F. Heat pan on medium, add a little coconut oil and lightly cook eggplant and pepper, wilt kale and set aside. Spread the artichoke pesto over pizza crust, then evenly distribute kale, cheese, eggplant, peppers, and sprinkle with smoked salmon. Finish with strategically placed olives. Place in the oven until cheese is melted and crust is golden brown. Remove from oven and let cool slightly before cutting. Enjoy!