Sugar Hill Farmstead

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Guide to Cooking with Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is

Coconut oil is the oil pressed out of fresh or dried coconut meat. Typical grocery store coconut oil is made through a refining process that often includes additives.

Cooking with Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is used for sautéing and frying. When cooking with coconut oil it adds a slight sweetness and nutty flavor to dishes. It is becoming increasingly popular to find potato chips fried in coconut oil or used for popping popcorn.

Sautéing vegetables with coconut oil is one of its traditional uses in Thailand and Sri Lanka, where coconut oil is the oil of choice. Stir-fry vegetables in coconut oil as a healthy and tasty alternative.

Coconut oil is also great for medium heat frying. Coconut oil’s smoking point is around 350F. Coconut crusted fried shrimp fried in coconut oil, just remember there will be a slight sweetness so plan your dish accordingly.

Coconut oil is good for you

Not everyone agrees that coconut oil is a healthy oil. Some consider coconut oil healthy because it is made of MCTs- medium chain triglycerides. These types of fat take less time to metabolize, feeding your body slowly keeping you satisfied longer. On the other hand, many health organizations advise against the consumption of coconut oil due to its high levels of lauric acid a saturated fat.

Lauric acid, though, is seen as a benefit in the natural health community for its antimicrobial, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. We frequently use coconut oil as a facial cleanser, make-up remover, hair and skin treatments as well.

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How to store coconut oil

Coconut oil is slow to break down, or oxidize, so it can last 6 months on the kitchen counter without spoiling. At room temperature (74F) coconut oil is almost liquid, just a little warmer during a typical hawaiian afternoon (86F) it is clear liquid and easy to pour into a pan or in your hand. When kept in the refrigerator is becomes solid and is white in color.

Cooking with coconut oil made from local organically grown coconuts is healthy and tastes great. The mild sweet coconut flavor makes it our favorite for stir frying and sautéed vegetables.